On April 5th, 2025, Christian Garcia, Chef to His Highness the Prince of Monaco, will prepare a charity dinner in Marrakesh for the Amal Foundation, which supports courageous women on their journey toward empowerment and provides them with solid culinary skills.
On January 17th, 2025, Guillaume Gomez, Ambassador of France for Gastronomy, presented the insignia of Officer of the Order of Agricultural Merit to Mark Flanagan, Royal Chef of Buckingham Palace, at the Dorchester Hotel in London.
6th of January 2025 : Christian García prepared with Fabrizio Caddei, the Principe di Savoia chef, the traditional Epiphania lunch that the hotel offers to the homeless of Milano.
October 2024 : Annual CCC Meeting in Italy
On October 5th, 2024, on the occasion of their annual meeting, the Chefs des Chefs prepared a gala charity dinner at the Hotel Principe di Savoia for the benefit of the Francesca Rava Foundation, whose mission is to help children in Haiti and around the world.
11th of July 2023 : a charity dinner took place in La Vallée Village at the restaurant Menu Palais where Christian Garcia, Chef of the Prince of Monaco, prepared a gastronomic charity dinner for the association Ecole de Felix Madagascar.
30th of October 2023 : our Chefs des Chefs helped the volunteers of DC Central Kitchen (Washington) to prepare 15 000 meals for homeless people.
17th of March 2024 : Christian Garcia, Franck Panier, Fabrice Desvignes, Willem-Pieter Van-Dreumel and Lars Schandorff perpared a charity dinner in Strasboug for the foundation EPICES founded by Isabelle Haeberlin which which promotes integration through cooking.
4th of April 2024 : Massimo Sprega prepared a very successful italian dinner for the foundation Tel-jeunes.
Club des Chefs des Chefs 75 ter Avenue de Wagram - 75017 Paris, France